Pastoral Care

The Religious Community, St. Michael's School
The corner stone of our pastoral care is Divine Grace. Examples, advice, counsel and encouragement from priests and teachers aim to push the child in the pursuit of good. Good is defined as love of God and devotion to the needs of others.
We seek to build up in pupils a true sense of purpose and resilience so that they will be faithful to the Gospel truths that have been entrusted to them. “You are the salt of the are the light of the world.” (Math. 13-14)
Moral and Spiritual Formation
The principle around which our pastoral care of pupils revolves is that of Divine Grace. Good conduct and behaviour are encouraged not only to help pupils to live peacefully and happily together but also so that they may learn to evaluate their lives in the light of Christ’s injunction: “Be you therefore perfect, as also your heavenly Father is perfect.” (Matt. 5:48)
Pastoral care seeks to facilitate the growth of natural and supernatural virtue. Good practice and behaviour are actively encouraged, promoted and rewarded. By reminding pupils of their duty to always contribute to the service and betterment of the institutions they are part of (family, school, club), pupils become aware of their civic obligations to the Common Good of society. Before we take, we must first give.
Conscious of the injury of Original Sin, and man’s innate tendency to seek his own good in opposition to the good of others, and against God’s will, our pastoral care includes supernatural means that help to overcome selfishness and pride. Pupils assist at a weekly school Mass and Benediction. Boarders recite their daily Rosary in company with the religious community.
With three resident priests, pupils have easy access to everyday pastoral advice and support and are able to receive sacramental absolution whenever they wish.
Daily routines are carried out under the supervision of priests and teachers and under the loving gaze of the crucifix that hangs in every room. The constant availability and cheerful company of the priests and staff help pupils to integrate their Faith into every aspect of their daily lives. Relations are easy and outcomes happy.

Form Tutors
A Form Tutor supervises each year group and provides individualized care and support for each of their students. Form Tutors are the first point of call for pupils in need and also the first to address any issues that are affecting their pupils. They communicate with other staff where appropriate, to relay information about pupils in their form group that could affect them in their studies or relationships with others.
Small numbers
Small class numbers allow teachers to tailor their lessons so that pupils are focused and engaged whatever their academic level and talent. The small size of the school allows for a family atmosphere where no pupil is ashamed of seeking or providing assistance.
Community Prayer
Community prayer, in particular, Holy Mass and Rosary, and before each lesson, are a magnificent incentive for good. They are not mere formalities, but an illustration and enactment of the child’s Faith that naturally pervades every aspect of their lives.