Message from the Headmaster

Father John Brucciani, SSPX

One soul, one Faith, one life, one chance.


We are given but one lifetime to merit our heavenly reward. Eternity tomorrow depends on life today. In worldly terms we can say that a child only has one shot at success.

In a world of intellectual, moral and spiritual confusion, a child’s education is of paramount importance. The years of childhood and adolescence are decisive in setting the soul on a firm path to the fulfilment of its vocation: to know, love and serve God in this world, in order to be happy with Him in the next.

Here at St. Michael’s School, we are proud of our Catholic Faith. We endeavour to create an environment favourable to the practice of virtue and learning, according to the doctrinal and liturgical traditions of the Roman Catholic Church.

The Society of St. Pius X operates its schools in order to protect and nurture not only natural virtue, but also the supernatural life of the soul. These two goals form the purpose of our work. A strong curriculum ensures the development of the mind in line with Church doctrine. Pastoral care seeks to instil awareness and care in the performance of duty.

St. Michael’s strives hard for academic achievement. Good examination results and good manners are not, however, the benchmark whereby we measure our success. We wish more for our pupils, in line with their parents’ wishes. We measure our success from the standpoint of the soul’s relationship with God. If our pupils continue in the practice of their Faith and in the service of their neighbour, the school will have achieved its goal.

A child is a mind to teach, a will to strengthen, a heart to love, a soul to save. We make no secret of Jesus Christ as our model and motive in the quest for our pupils’ achievement and wellbeing.

Rev. John Brucciani, Headmaster