Boarding House

Boarding House for boys, years 7 to 13

St. Michael’s operates a boarding house for senior boys (Years 7-11). The boarding house offers a very happy experience for all its occupants. It is a place where life long friendships are forged. Boarding life is divided between recreational activities, supervised study time, house duties and visits to places of interest. Boarders assist at Holy Mass on Saturdays and Sundays and pray the Rosary daily.

The school offers a range of afternoon clubs according to availability: drama classes, sports, woodwork and STEM. St. Michael’s Cadet Force and Cadet Band are important activities which help to cultivate habits of order, discipline and camaraderie among peers. The small number of boarders allows for a strong family atmosphere. Meals, study, prayer and recreation are taken in common with the priests, who are always present and accessible. Foreign pupils are able to integrate with ease.

The spacious grounds and surrounding countryside allow for outdoor games and walks.

Pupils have access to a school phone and to communication apps in order to stay in touch with their families. Internet access is always supervised and kept to a minimum. Weekends usually include an age-appropriate film and a documentary. The tuck shop is very popular!

Each half-term includes one or two exeat weekends.