2019-20 Exam Results

St. Michael’s School GCSE Results Analysis – summary
This year’s results are unique in the sense they were derived from evidence compiled by schools, rather than final examinations. St. Michael’s took a robust approach in predicting grades for our students, based on mock exams, a further round of ‘final’ exams and additional evidence from ongoing assessment.
National Averages
Across all entries, SMS compare extremely well with national averages:
- Students achieving 4 or above over 23% above national average - much higher in some subjects
- Students achieving 7 or above 41% above national average
- Students achieving 9 over 18% above national average
Core Subjects
In all subject areas, pupils are well above national averages.
Target and Challenge Grades
- 78.2% of all results exceeded the student's Challenge grade. This is the school's value added.
- 93.6% were at Target Grade or better.
- No discernible difference between Boarding and Day pupils
Achievement of Highest Grades
There was an increase in students achieving the highest grade (9) this year, with 7 of 15 students achieving at least one Grade 9